Efficiency study 2023

Collaboration between
EAMs, custodian banks and
technology providers

What is it about

This nationwide study, conducted in collaboration with HSLU / IFZ, pioneers an analysis of collaboration among EAMs, custodian banks, and technology providers. With a focus on operational efficiency and digital transformation, the study places a special emphasis on the pivotal role of bank interfaces. These interfaces are crucial for enabling efficient daily data management and providing support to EAMs in managing complexity.

Who is the study intended for?

The intended audience for this study includes EAMs seeking valuable insights into the quality and offerings of bank interfaces to PMS & CRM systems. Banks will gain valuable perspectives on the criteria EAMs use when selecting custodian banks. Technology providers, on the other hand, will gain insights into how banks perceive the quality of their interfaces, facilitating the closure of gaps and optimization of collaboration.

Request your copy

Study participants and interested parties are invited to request their free copy of the study, which provides valuable insights into the general findings.

Additionally, we offer individual presentations and discussions of the study results, benchmarks, and a comprehensive understanding tailored to the specific context of your organization and its ongoing initiatives, available upon request.